Course Nr.: 12 Introduction to AI/data driven apps and methodologies to support the Language and CLIL classroom.
Dates / Venue:
April 28 – May 3
July 14 – 19
October 28 – 1 November
May 19 – 24
Sept. 15 – 20
August 18 – 23
Target Groups:
- Teachers involved in modern language education and/or co-teaching in CLIL programmes in secondary and adult/vocational education who are interested in exploring the potential of data-driven learning.
- CLIL teachers and/or ICT coordinators who would like or are expected to take a role in local, professional development programmes with a focus on second language development issues in subject teaching.
- Familiarise participants with the potential of AI and the use of specifically designed corpora and related applications & methodologies to facilitate language and CLIL teaching and learning, also with a view to compensating for limitations of AI.
- Develop the corpus literacy of course participants to enable them to produce (supplementary) in-house subject- and topic specific content, teaching/learning materials and related class activities to support the development of relevant (language) learning skills such as:
- noticing and memorizing formulaic language, subject terminology and/or academic & genre features.
- writing in the language / CLIL classroom
- provision of effective feedback on students’ writing
- learner autonomy
The professional development approach is based on structured experiential tasks, peer learning and critical reflection. The course combines plenary, tutor-led introductions of methodological topics & presentations to demonstrate and discuss exemplary corpus-informed applications, materials & classroom procedures with follow-up activities when participants do practical work individually, in pairs and small groups familiarizing themselves with the tools, concepts and principles presented while analyzing and/or creating CLIL materials and activities.
At the end of the week delegates will share and discuss an AI-supported and/or corpus-informed lesson created during the hands-on sessions requiring the application of theoretical concepts and design criteria related to effective Language / CLIL teaching
The multimedia materials resources introduced include several (types of) of corpora, corpus-based materials and tools, all free, easily available and stable in terms of access, annotated screenshots, video exemplars of Language/CLIL classroom practice and flipchart templates for creating activities.
To provide flexible access to course related tasks and resources a learning management system (LMS) will be used. After the course concludes, participants will be able to access the LMS to promote follow-up communication and collaborative learning.
You are advised to bring your subject book(s) and/or related ICT materials (if available) to the course to be used when creating customised materials and activities.
Day-to-Day Course Topics
Day 1
• Meet & Greet / Introductions
• Questionnaire review / finetuning expectations
• Cultural Event
Day 2
- Overview of the course and its structure in the course LMS
- What is corpus linguistics?
- Overview of and selectively experiencing the potential of corpus-informed approaches and applications for language development and CLIL approaches
- Presentation of the main course task:
– Lesson plan development including learner activities using corpus-informed applications and -(self designed / customised) teaching and learning materials.
Day 3
- Focus on supporting reading skills and lexicogrammar competence development
- Exploring learner tasks and activities based on the use of related open educational resources (apps, websites, classroom materials)
Day 4
- What is involved in creating level-appropiate corpus-based materials for classroom use?
- Exploring related digital tools and exemplar materials.
- Developing (contents / activities for) the sample lesson
Day 5
- Focus on learner training and the promotion of autonomy
- Review of design principles for corpus-informed lessons
- Developing materials & micro teaching unit
- Pair/group work: trialling and discussing lesson draft materials/unit elements, gaining initial peer feedback.
Day 6
• Suggestions for strategies and resources for continuing professional development
• Finalizing materials for the sample lesson designs.
• Micro teaching, demonstrating & reviewing materials created by participants
• Course wrap-up, evaluation and certification
Click here for the General TELLConsult Course Terms (registration procedures, costs, cancellation, etc…)