Final conference of the EU project ‘E-Live’

On behalf of TELLConsult, associated partner of the E-Live project, I attended the project’s final dissemination event on October 15 at the Nuenens College, one of the project’s secondary partner schools.For more details about the project visit E-LIVE: Engaging Languages in Intercultural Virtual Exhange. I greatly enjoyed this well organised and most informative day offering Read more about Final conference of the EU project ‘E-Live’[…]

Media in Education event (September 30, 2024)

We attended a recent meeting of #SURF’s CoP on Media in Education the more since the topic ‘Using Media Assignments as Assessment Instruments’ was relevant for a number of TELLConsult 2025 courses: Assessment and the use of Video and AI. Find the English version of Erik Boon’ report about this SURF professional development event Read more about Media in Education event (September 30, 2024)[…]

EU project ‘Paideia’ published scoping study on AI in Education in the consortium’s partner countries.

The PAIDEIA Project – PAIDEIA Project,  (Preparing teachers for the AI Development in Education as an Innovative Asset) is an EU-funded Erasmus+ Forward Looking research-action project aiming to integrate AI in education by guiding its gradual introduction in schools and with a focus on equipping teachers with tools and knowledge to navigate AI’s potential and Read more about EU project ‘Paideia’ published scoping study on AI in Education in the consortium’s partner countries.[…]

Professional development courses offered by the EU project ‘Technology-Mediated PLurilingual Activities for (language) Teacher Education’

The Erasmus+ project TEMPLATE (Technology-Mediated PLurilingual Activities for (language) Teacher Education) has published all its results and open educational resources.  They include e.g.  ‘A Theoretical and Practical Introduction to Integrating Technology Mediated Plurilingual Tasks into the (Foreign) Language Classroom’ and the related ‘Guidelines for teacher trainers’. To further support language professionals and schools the project team Read more about Professional development courses offered by the EU project ‘Technology-Mediated PLurilingual Activities for (language) Teacher Education’[…]

Attended the LLRC 2023 conference: curriculum and course design for language teaching

On June 23rd, 2023, The Leiden University Language Learning Resource Centre (LLRC) organized its annual one-day conference , this year on curriculum change, also because in Dutch secondary education a curriculum reform is planned to be implemented in the next years, also concerning foreign languages. Find the programme and abstracts here. Dr. Marjon Tammenga-Helmantel, who works Read more about Attended the LLRC 2023 conference: curriculum and course design for language teaching[…]

Attended the NL Tech Week: Teacher professional development – What does the teacher need regarding AI?

In the context of June ‘AI in Education month’ we attended the event on Teacher professional development – What does the teacher need regarding AI? As the event was organised by SURF in collaboration with SIG AIED, NLAIC, NOLAI, Kennisnet it also offered an opportunity to be informed about the key players in the NL AI in education Read more about Attended the NL Tech Week: Teacher professional development – What does the teacher need regarding AI?[…]

TELLConsult joined the OECD Schools+ Network

On 22 May 2023, we joined the official launch event of the first global community ‘Schools as drivers of innovation‘. This ‘network of networks’ (Schools+) will bring together education experts, school leaders and teachers from across the globe to respond to common challenges and inspire advances in classrooms, schools and policies.​ Issues that were explored included: As Read more about TELLConsult joined the OECD Schools+ Network[…]

Focus on AI in EDUCAUSE Horizon Report Teaching and Learning 2023 Edition

2023 EDUCAUSE Horizon Report Teaching and Learning Edition “Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken the world by storm, with new AI-powered tools such as ChatGPT opening up new opportunities in higher education for content creation, communication, and learning, while also raising new concerns about the misuses and overreach of technology” Used the report as content for Read more about Focus on AI in EDUCAUSE Horizon Report Teaching and Learning 2023 Edition[…]

EU project proposal submitted

Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps As more initiators of EU Erasmusplus project ideas will have experienced the actual proposals submission process was rather unpleasant this year, to say the least, due to constant technical hiccups of the platform. Nationals agencies in many countries were informed about this nuisance and fortunately a delay of one to Read more about EU project proposal submitted[…]

TELLConsult and partners to submit a KA2 Erasmus+ project proposal

EU project initiative offers Opportunities to Associated Schools TELLConsult succeeded in bringing together a number of international partners to collectively further develop an initial project idea.The resulting project consortium is now finalising the development of the application for an ErasmusPlus KA2 three year project.The team consists of experts on (the training of) the pedagogical use Read more about TELLConsult and partners to submit a KA2 Erasmus+ project proposal[…]