For the EU project CATAPULT on upskilling teachers of Language for Specific Purposes we contributed a blogpost to the Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (EPALE) survey of good practice examples and successful projects on workplace learning
TELLConsult also attended the final TEACHMEET session of The Networked Teacher – Teaching in the 21st Century MOOC for pre- and inservice teachers provided by European Schoolnet Academy. We contributed a presentation on mobile learning on was about the key results of the EU projects MTTEP and DEIMP. See an impression here
We also attended this year’s final online meeting of the project’s ITE Forum on VR/AR in teacher education to which we contributed a video compilation of video formats shot in 3Dworlds (machinima) for language learning in 3D virtual worlds produced for the Erasmus_project CAMELOT we participated in.
In June 2019 TELLConsult partner Ton Koenraad contributed both a paper presentation and a workshop as invited speaker to the conference “The Implementation of Technology in Second/Foreign Language Learning: Past, Current and Future Ventures” at the University of Cyprus. See this blogpost for more information.
Ìn May 2019 TELLConsult was in Krakow for a Meeting of EU project CATAPULT and to contribute to the bi-annual PL-CALL Conference. More details here
In the beginning of 2019 TELLConsult had a number of intensive weeks of activities related to some of our EU projects including #DEIMP and #TABLIO.
Find out about details in this blogpost.
We contributed the workshop ‘Production of corpus-based learning materials & activities for CLIL and LSP purposes’ to the International conference ‘Data-Driven Learning (DDL): a scaffolding methodology for Foreign languages and #CLIL classes’ in Turin, 27-28 September 2018
We aimed to stimulate #CLIL & #LSP teachers in particular to explore the potential of #corpus-based approaches for teaching & learning by highlighting easy to use (some fully automated) teaching & learning applications. More details here.
To support delegates in finding and exploring potentially useful corpus-based tools & resources for the production of CLIL materials and learning activities this padlet page was made available as OER:
Find all conference presentation materials here.
TELLConsult initiated and successfully supported the project KA2 application for the ErasmusPlus project “CATAPULT” and attended the kick-off meeting in Paris in September 2019
TELLConsult, represented by Ton Koenraad, offered the workshop ‘ Models, strategies and resources produced in EU projects for m-learning pedagogy development and training in Language Teacher Education’ to this year’s edition of the EUROCALL conference which took place at the University of Jyväskylä, in August 218 in Finland. Find more info about the workshop here
Invited by European Schoolnet, we attended the final MENTEP project conference in Brussels in March 2018 to get familiar with its key outputs and the results of other major, European Commission funded, policy experimentation projects.
Requested by an experienced Language for Special Purposes trainer in Spain to help develop an idea into a submittable ErasmusPlus KA2 proposal we arrived at a solid and innovative project definition, timely submitted in March, 2018 by Sorbonne University.
TELLConsult contributed an impact document for the the UK Government audit of the research activities of the UK Open University referring to the relevance of the INTENT/Unicollaboration (platform, organisation and the research done by its partners) for the development and management of the related EU projects we initiated and participated in (Pronett, MiCALL, NIFLAR) and the publications these led to.
In 2017 TELLConsult was invited to participate in the DEIMP project (a follow-up project of the MTTEP project ) by the University of HULL and requested to suggest more suitable EU partners. Which led to the involvement of University INHOLLAND in the Netherlands and PXL in Belgium.
So requested by the LinkedIn network of Dutch freelance language trainers ‘LTNW’ we ran a workshop on the latest technology trends in education in general and related developments in Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) in particular. For more info on contents read this blogpost.
TELLConsult joined the International Mobile Learning Network for Teacher Educators. The primary aim and purpose of the MTTEP project is to create a sustainable International Mobile Learning Network for Teacher Educators which, along with the Mobile Learning Toolkit, will be the principal legacy of this project.
Ton Koenraad (TELLConsult) offered a reflective view of mobile learning in the modern language classroom and presented strategies and resources developed in related EU projects at the final multiplier event (June. 2017) of the EU project iTILT2 at the University of Education in Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany.
As project partner we attended and contributed a workshop at the second multiplier event (Nov. 2016) of the EU project iTILT2 in one of Antwerp University’s beautiful, historical buildings.
We were invited to attend the 5 day workshop “Interactive Exchange Workshop (Oct. 2016) on how to use student response systems organised by the M-Lang project where we also presented the iTILT projects. (more info here)
After attending the PETALL final project meeting as external evaluator in Granada, April 2016, we contributed to the international conference ‘NEW TRENDS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING‘ organised there by the project team.
TELLConsult’s representative Ton Koenraad attended & presented at the EUROCALL MALL SIG Symposium ‘ Perspectives on the integration of Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) tools in the teaching & learning of foreign languages’ (May 2016) in Romania. More details here
So requested by a school consortium TELLConsult Training ran a customised version of our ErasmusPlus course on Interactive Whiteboards in Language Education (February 2016) at the University of Leuven, Belgium. See this brief video impression on course activities and Leuven City and its potential for (incidental) social events (opening of the academic year).
As invited speaker at the ICLON annual, national Good Practice Day event (Feb. 2016) at Leiden University), we presented the results of the first iTILT project (2011-2013) and the interim products of the 3-year follow-up project ‘Interactive Teaching in Languages with Technologies’ iTILT (2014 -2017).
As iTILT partner we presented on mobile phones at the so-(ErasmusPlus)-called ‘multiplier event’ in NICE (Jan, 2016), organised by the local partner team, led by Shona Whyte, for the EU project iTILT. More info here.
As external evaluator in EU Project PETALL (Pan European Task Activities for Language Learning) we delivered an interim and final report.
The interim report was presented at the team’s second meeting in Belgrade (July, 2015)
We were invited to the 8th International Conference organised by the Lithuanian association of language teachers to attend the Conference ‘INNOVATING LANGUAGE TEACHING AND LEARNING IN EUROPE: DIVERSITY, QUALITY, MOBILITY, EMPLOYABILITY in Vilnius where we also took part in the panel at the parliamentary session on language learning and presented a plenary session on the use of interactive whiteboards in vocational education as realised by the EU project SmartVET.