3rd July 2024

2025 Course #10 Exploring AI-driven and other innovative, technology-mediated practices to support language learning in and beyond the classroom.

Course Nr.:    #10 Exploring AI-driven and other innovative,  technology-mediated practices to support language learning in and beyond the classroom

2024: Valencia November 3-8
January 5-10
September 28 – 3 October
January 12 – 17
October 5 – 10
February 16 – 21
July  13 – 18
October 19 – 24
May 13 – 18
August 17- 22
November 2 – 7

Target Groups:
Practising language teachers in secondary , vocational and adult education

Course aims:
The main objective of this course is to introduce practising language and CLIL teachers to innovative pedagogies enabled by a number of emergent technological developments so as to empower them to assess the relevance for and potential impact on education and their personal work context.

Course Topics
Topics and related technologies to be explored include:

  • Extending learning with augmented and virtual reality offering opportunities for remote presence & participation and supporting learners to understand concepts, practise skills and perform tasks.
  • Using Artificial Intelligence-based applications such as chatbots or virtual assistants as educational dialogue facilitator, learning problem analyser or guidance provider. 
  • Corpus-based pedagogy and applications
    Using authentic (big) language data to support language teaching and learning and to overcome limitations of ChatGPT
  • Telecollaboration for language learning
    Using communication tools for collaborative language learning and development of intercultural communication skills
  • Providing learner training in the use of specific applications such as voice recognition, automated translation, customisable vocab apps etc. to support and promote learner autonomy.

Methodology:For the introduction to the topics and their supporting technologies  (final selection to be negotiated on the basis of the intake questionnaire results) hands-on activities, tasks and simulations will be used involving the participants as learners. Followed by debriefings sharing experiences and reflections on their educational and second language acquisition potential.
In addition related project results, documented practices and teaching and learning materials will be studied and research findings presented.

Course delegates subsequently explore the usefulness of one or more technologies and related tools  individually or in small groups depending on the perceived relevance and their needs.
At the end of the week delegates will share and discuss a cycle of educational activities using one or two of the selected technologies which they created during the hands-on sessions.

​To provide flexible access to course related tasks and resources a course learning management system (LMS) will be used. After the course concludes, participants will be able to access the LMS to promote follow-up communication and collaborative learning.

Day-to-Day Course Topics

Day 1 

  • Meet & Greet / Introductions
  • Cultural Event

Day 2 

  • Questionnaire review / finetuning expectations
  • Overview of contents and structure in course LMS
  • Experiencing 3D worlds and augmented & virtual reality contexts. 
  • Introduction to related educational activity design
  • Briefing on the summative task (deadline: day 6)

Day 3 

  • Experiencing ‘in-world’ activities and games.
  • Exploring the educational potential of some selected Artificial Intelligence-based applications including an introduction to ChatGPT and its potential and implications for Language Education,
  • Sharing experiences: reflections on pros and cons
  • Introduction to designing related activities

​Day 4 

  • How and when to use specifically designed corpora applications and related methodologies to support data-driven language learning activities while compensating for limitations of AI-based approaches & applications.

Day 5  

  • Pedagogy, organisation and tools to realise successful telecollaborative language learning projects
  • Design principles for virtual exchange tasks & activities

​Day 6 

  • Strategies and resources for further professional development
  • Finishing Scenarios
  • Microteaching, Presenting and discussing activity designs.
  • Course wrap-up, evaluation and  certification

Click here for the General TELLConsult Course Terms (registration, procedures, costs, cancellation, etc…)