3rd July 2024

2025 Course #7 Getting more out of Video in (online) Language Education

Course Nr.:  # 7 Getting more out of Video in (online) Language Education

Dates / Locations

2024: Valencia November 3 – 8

Utrecht July  13 – 18

Target Groups
Teachers responsible for modern language(-oriented) learning in primary, secondary, vocational and adult education

Course Aims

This course aims to:

  • further develop relevant teachers competences and confidence  when using video in language education
  • promote teacher professionalism in evaluating and selecting available video resources, apps and production tools
  • develop participants’ skills related to capturing, adapting and designing video content and developing related learning activities and materials
  • develop participants’ skills in the use and (AI supported) production of video for a range of curriculum objectives, both for f2f classroom contexts and blended learning, including flipping the classroom.

The course activities include demonstrations of useful applications, exemplary materials and teaching practices followed-up with tutor-led presentations and discussions about methodological related topics.
Hands-on activities carried out by participants individually, in pairs and/or small groups include exploring tools,  analyzing video clips and related lesson activities and creating content to be used in participants’ personal practice.
To address the anticipated variety in participants’ interests and needs (in terms of tools, pedagogical approach, target groups and individual technology skills level) most tasks are designed in such a way that they can lead to differentiated relevant learning experiences and outcomes.
To provide flexible access to course related tasks and resources a the course learning management system (LMS) will be used. After course access to the LMS is offered to promote follow-up communication and collaborative learning when exchanging experiences with redesigned local practice samples.
A pre-course, online questionnaire could be provided to assess pre-knowledge and further align course content and procedures to needs and interests.

Day-to-Day Course Topics

Day 1
• Meet & Greet / Introductions
• Course overview
• Cultural Event

Day 2
• Questionnaire review / finetuning expectations
• Overview of ways to exploit video for (language) teaching purposes.
• Selecting appropriate videos and developing tasks to encourage student engagement & learning
• Reviewing resources for finding video clips to use in your teaching.

Day 3
• Analysing and Developing instructional videos
• Evaluating Flipping-the-language classroom strategies
• Exploring online or mobile based video tools to edit video and/or create video based quizzes and learning activities.

Day 4
• Activities to develop listening and viewing comprehension
• Video to enable synchronous and asynchronous online communication.
• Tools and procedures to support formative assessment activities

Day 5
• Learner generated video to enhance language and digital skills.
• Developing videos for special purposes e.g. video in 3D environments, 360 degree videos
• Tools & methods for professional development using classroom recordings
• Production of materials & micro teaching unit

Day 6
• Finishing materials & micro teaching unit
• Presenting & sharing materials
• Briefing on follow-up activities, strategies for further professional development and sharing your know-how & ideas within school
• Course evaluation and certification


Click here for the General TELLConsult Course Terms (registration procedures, costs, cancellation, etc…)