Recent Projects (2000-2023) TELLConsult initiated, coordinated, participated in or evaluated: 
- TEMPLATE (Technology-Mediated PLurilingual Activities for (language) Teacher Education)
- CATAPULT’ (Computer-Assisted Training And Platforms to Upskill Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) Teachers)
- DEIMP (Designing & Evaluating Innovative Mobile Pedagogies)
- REDESIGN (Redesigning educational curricula and digitally-afforded collaborations to promote multimodal learning experiences)
- TABLIO (Tablets for classroom differentiation and inclusion)
- iTILT2 (Interactive Teaching In Languages with Technologies)
- PETALL (Pan European Task Activities for Language Learning)
- CAMELO (CreAting Machinima Empowers Live Online language Teaching and learning)
- TKEY HIL (Tools for learning EU Key competencies in High Interaction Learning environments)
- TABULA ALBA A COMENIUS international project on collaborative IWB competence development of educational staff in both a Polish & Turkish region.
- EUROVERSITY EU network to share good educational practice in 3D virtual worlds.
- GOBL (Games Online for Basic Language Learning) web-based mini-games for youths and adults, who wish to improve their language skills.
- SMARTVET Supporting Continuous Professional Development of VET teachers in the use of Interactive Whiteboards
- iTILT #1 (Interactive Technologies in Language Teaching)
- ETALAGE European Task-based Activities for Language Learning; a good practice exchange
- NIFLAR (Networked Interaction in Foreign Language Acquisition and Research)
- MICaLL (Moderating Intercultural Collaboration and Language Learning)
- Pri-Sec-Co (Primary and Secondary Continuity in Foreign Language Teaching)
- Pronett (Professionally Networking Education and Teacher Training)
Previous EU and national projects (1990-2000)
- LanguageQuest, European Centre for Modern languages (ECML) Project: WebQuests for Language Learning
- ViTAAL (LanguageQuest and Language Village in 3D virtual environments)
- CATS e-TOOLS for CLIL in Higher Education (Computer Assistance voor Taal (=Language) Competences of Students)
- inVEST Researching ICT support options for CLIL in Higher Education (ICT-ondersteund Taalgericht Vakonderwijs in het Hoger Onderwijs)
- NL Ministry of Education: Educational Partnership (EPS, 1999–2002) Sub Project (ICT in Teacher Education)
Associated / Network partner in:
- E-LIVE: Engaging Languages in Intercultural Virtual Exhange
- ITELab Innovating ITE (Initial Teachers Education) curricula (European Schoolnet project)
- TeCola Pedagogical Differentiation through Telecollaboration and Gaming for Intercultural and Content Integrated Language Teaching
- MTTEP Mobilising and Innovating Teacher Education Pedagogies
- TILA Telecollaboration for Intercultural Language Acquisition
- VideoForAll ‘VIDEOforALL – Digital Video as a basic tool for language learning’
For our current and more recent involvement in (EU) projects click here