18th July 2024

2025 Course #4 Apps & authoring tools to help CLIL students improve reading skills and expand their vocabulary.

Course Nr.: #4 Apps & authoring tools to help CLIL students improve reading skills and expand their vocabulary.


Utrecht October 27 – November 1
Valencia November 3 – 8

July 13 – 18
October 19 – 24
November 2 – 7

Target Groups:
Teachers who are(interested in getting) involved in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and/or Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) in secondary and vocational / further education or who would like to update and/or expand their use of ICT to support their teaching.

Course aims:
This course will familiarize language and subject teachers with ICT tools and related methods to support content oriented instruction.
​Delegates will learn how to:

  • develop targeted content using new, free & online authoring tools which allow for the creation and sharing of media-rich webpages incorporating audio, video, images and text. ​
  • support a variety of their current didactical procedures with a number of applications​
  • plan and develop CLIL class activities using ICT and web tools
  • make use of Open Educational Resources and share their content with the professional community
  • share resulting materials with learners via VLEs, wikis, blogs, email or social media platform

The course combines short introductions in the form of brief plenaries on various methodological topics and related CLIL / LSP activities followed by presentations of ICT applications and multimedia that can facilitate & enhance them in and out of the classroom.
The subsequent practical work is done individually or in small groups depending on the needs and educational levels.

To address the anticipated variety in participants’ interests and needs (in terms of tools, pedagogical approach, target groups and individual technology skills level) most tasks are designed in such a way that they can lead to differentiated relevant learning experiences and outcomes.

At the end of the week delegates will share and discuss a lesson created during the hands-on sessions.

​To provide flexible access to course related tasks and resources a virtual learning environment (VLE) will be used. After the course concludes, participants will be able to access the VLE to promote follow-up communication and collaborative learning.

A pre-course, online questionnaire will be provided to assess pre-knowledge and further align course content and procedures to needs and interests.

You are advised to bring your subject book(s) and/or related ICT materials (if available) to the course to be used when creating customised materials and activities.

Day-to-day Course Topics

Day 1

• Meet & Greet / Introductions
• Questionnaire review / fine-tuning expectations
• Cultural Event

Day 2

• Course overview
• Comparing samples of CLIL methodologies and sharing current personal practice

Focus on reading, listening and viewing skills
Introduction to dedicated authoring tools to provide learners with scaffolded input materials.
The unique feature of these free online tools is the way embedded texts are treated; at the touch of a button all words in a document or webpage are automatically linked to a bespoke dictionary interface Multidict, which places online dictionaries in over 100 languages at the user’s disposal, thereby enabling them to interrogate texts at their own pace and according to their own learning requirements.
This fully online tool has also been optimised for mobile devices (e.g. iPads, smartphones, etc.) thereby ensuring that content can be created and enjoyed on the move.

  • • Exploring available sample materials.
    ​• Reflection on experiencing content processing from the learner perspective.
    • Finding and selecting content (search strategies, criteria for text selection) ​
  • Using ICT tools to produce customised text input materials
    •​ Feed up on the course task: design a digital CLIL lesson plan (your signature lesson): selecting topic / unit in current practice for elaboration
    •​ Demo of the production steps and use of related tool features
    ​•​ Hands-on materials production
    ​Review of the day

Day 3

• Reviewing day 2 experiences with materials production. Hands-on materials production continued.
•Learner training (receptive learning strategies and more)
​• Introduction to ways for using digital video to support listening/viewing skills
• Focus on interactive video to pre-teach vocabulary and/or assess understanding of content concepts presented in class

​Day 4

• Introduction to graphic organisers and concept maps to support activating activities, content processing and writing.
• Exploring ICT tools to facilitate a range of additional guiding understanding activities
•​ Tools to support exploiting personal idiom files (PIFS) and review strategies for CLIL & LSP vocab.
• Hands-on materials production

Day 5
Focus on Assessment, review and Feedback
• Different types of assessment and related ICT tools to efficiently collect interim data on student understanding and progress
• Different types of feedback and how to implement them​

Day 6 (for 6day courses)

  • Briefing on follow-up activities, strategies for further professional development and sharing your know-how & ideas within school
  • Finishing materials
  • Presentations of lesson designs
  • Course wrap-up, evaluation and certification

Click here for the General TELLConsult Course Terms (registration, procedures, costs, cancellation, etc…)