The latest news on our ErasmusPlus eligible courses
Latest course confirmations
Course #9. Using mobile devices effectively to innovate learning and teaching in your subject & school.(Amsterdam, 2019, 20-25 October). Confirmed, some places left,20/07/2019).
N.B. Joe Dale, one of TELLConsult’s associate trainers, was contracted to join us and co-tutor the course.
Course #12. Designing and Evaluating Innovative Mobile Pedagogies (Nicosia, Cyprus, 2020, 30 March – 3 April) Confirmed, some places left, 20/07/2019).
New course tutors and venues
Having recently contributed to the PL-CALL conference and discussed TELLConsult ErasmusPlus professional development activities with local faculty we are most pleased that 3 colleagues of the Pedagogical University of Cracow accepted our invitation to join our team of tutors. The courses selected to be run in their Faculty building as of 2020 are :
- #2. Assessment of and for learning in language education using digital tools and (peer) feedback activities
- #4. ICT tools & strategies to support CLIL and LSP approaches in language teaching,
- #5. Introduction to New Technologies in Language Teaching
Visit our Current Courses Page to check on the related course descriptions, dates and locations.
Most of our courses are based on insights and results of EU projects we participate(d) in. Read on below to find out more about some of our current projects.
An overview of TELLConsult recent Erasmus+ Project activities
During this year’s spring and summer we spent most of our time on dissemination activities for a number of projects we participate in including REDESIGN, TABLIO (on classroom differentiation supported with mobile devices), “Designing and Evaluating Innovative Mobile Pedagogies” (DEIMP) and Computer Assisted Training And Platforms to Upskill LSP Teachers (CATAPULT).
We were actively involved in TABLIO’s final project phase focussing on dissemination. We attended the national Multiplier Event sessions organised by TABLIO’s Dutch partner iXperium in Nijmegen.
At TELLConsult we were responsible for the 3-day international version of this event to be run at PXL University in Hasselt, Belgium. But, regrettably, we had to cancel it due to limited registrations, this despite the prolonged and intense promotion campaign on social media and direct mailing to TELLConsult’s contacts. (more details and activities here)
Ìn May 2019 TELLConsult was in Crakow (Poland) for a meeting of the project CATAPULT and as invited speaker to the bi-annual PL-CALL Conference we contributed a workshop on mobile learning introducing the key outputs of the TABLIO and DEIMP projects. (more info here)
In June 2019 TELLConsult partner Ton Koenraad contributed both a paper presentation and a DEIMP workshop as invited speaker to REDESIGN’s final conference “The Implementation of Technology in Second/Foreign Language Learning: Past, Current and Future Ventures” at the University of Cyprus.
Find out about details about these and other events following the links to blogposts listed in this summary page.
Furthermore, as Dutch representative of the European Association of Computer Assisted Language Learning – (EUROCALL) and member of the committee of its Special Interest Group on Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) TELLConsult Course director Ton Koenraad contributed to the organisation of the SIG’s annual event, this year the symposium ‘CALLmi: Where are we going’ at Milan University (find more details here)
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