The Virtual Language App Project, in short VirtuLApp, is a European funded project with partners in Basque Country, Ireland and Belgium which develops an innovative multilingual and multididactic approach which teachers can use in the classroom to welcome pupils’ home languages.

The VirtuLApp project’s final multiplier event, hosted by Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning (Fryske Akademy) took place on 2 and 3 November 2021, in Ljouwert/Leeuwarden, The Netherlands.
The event’s main topics included education and multilingualism as well as linguistic diversity and technology in the classroom. During the event, the project outcomes to support teachers with both knowledge and tools were presented. Among others these included the digital toolkit for teachers and BabelAR, the multilingual Augmented Reality game for language awareness.
TELLConsult representative Ton Koenraad was invited to introduce the related project TEMPLATE and contributed the presentation ‘
Design and Development of the Erasmus+ Project ‘TEMPLATE’ (TEchnology-Mediated Plurilingual Activities for (language) Teacher Education)’

In addition to presentations workshops were offered to explore the latest developments of the project’s plurilingual learning environments and one other project key output: BabelAr, the virtual reality game.

See the list of contributors and a photo impression of the event here.
As agreed TEMPLATE was added to the international section of the VirtulApp list of associated projects and related initiatives
There was also a report of the event by the regional radiostation including an interview with the scientific coordinator prof. Joana Duarte VirtuLApp ten einde gebracht: project haalde taaldiversiteit naar de klas | Omrop Fryslân (