At the EUROCALL 2019 Conference TELLConsult attended and presented the realised and plannend DEIMP outputs. The related short paper ‘Pedagogical frameworks and principles for mobile (language) learning to support related teacher education‘ was recently published in Meunier, Fanny; Van de Vyver, Julie; Bradley, Linda; Thouësny, Sylvie (Eds), CALL and complexity – short papers from EUROCALL 2019 (pp. 229-235). Research-publishing.net. https://doi.org/10.14705/rpnet.2019.38.1014
More details here

On behalf of TELLConsult Ton Koenraad attended the final TEACHMEET session of The Networked Teacher – Teaching in the 21st Century MOOC for pre- and inservice teachers provided by European Schoolnet Academy. Our contribution was about the key results of the EU projects MTTEP and DEIMP. For an impression see this brief compilation of scenes. See the full recording of the event here.
The MOOC was offered by the European Schoolnet Academy and was part of the EU project ITELab (Initial Teachers Education Lab), a Knowledge Alliance project between higher education institutions and industry to foster innovation and knowledge exchange in initial teacher education (ITE). We also attended this year’s final online meeting of the project’s ITE Forum on VR/AR in teacher education to which we contributed a video compilation of video formats shot in 3Dworlds (machinima) for language learning in 3D virtual worlds produced for the Erasmus_project CAMELOT we participated in.
We also attended the June session of the Forum for which we had, as ITELAB associate partner, recommended the contribution by DEIMP partners Kevin Burden and Matthew Kearney to share their research-based insights on innovative approaches to and design principles for mobile learning. Recording available here

In October 2019 we ran the TELLConsult ErasmusPlus Course #9 ‘ Using mobile devices effectively to innovate learning and teaching in your subject & school’. Delegates were challenged to assess and develop scenarios applying the MTTEP & DEIMP design principles .
Joe Dale, one of our (international) tutor network members provided input on how to use apps for specific educational objectives. Two of or our national colleagues participated and addressed designing location-based learning (Gerton Cazemier, inHolland University) and supporting implementation of mlearning in your school (Suzanne Lustenhouwer) respectively. More details including a reference to a brief video impression in this blog post

For the EU project CATAPULT on upskilling teachers of Language for Specific Purposes we contributed a blogpost to the Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (EPALE) survey of good practice examples and successful projects on workplace learning