Welcome to my pages, find information on:
- My Bio (below)
- Work-related publications
- Orcid page
- Projects I am/was involved in.
- EUROCALL.NL My curation as national representative of the Dutch branch of EUROCALL, the EU-association of professionals interested in Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)
- My Blog Archive
Summary of A.L.M. (Ton) Koenraad’s bio data
- Education
MA English Language and Literature,
M.Ed (Utrecht University and Sheffield University)

Minors: Masscommunication, Social Psychology
- Professional Experience:
Secondary Education:
Teacher of English: Bonifatius College and College de Klop, Utrecht (1969, 1971-1990)
Trainer at Dutch national MFL expertise centre, CPS (1975-1987)
Higher Education:
Teacher of Pedagogy and MFL Methodology, Hogeschool Midden Nederland (1983-1989)
Teacher/Researcher CAL and CALL at Utrecht University (1986-1988)
ICT-Coordinator Hogeschool Utrecht University of Applied Sciences (1989-2000)
Senior ICT-E consultant, Hogeschool Utrecht University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Education (2000-2011)
After finishing my studies at Utrecht and Sheffield University I worked for 15 years as a teacher in secondary education and at the CPS national expertise centre Modern Languages as part-time trainer of in-service language teachers.
Subsequently I worked in Higher Education for 20 years at the Faculty of Education of the Hogeschool Utrecht, University of Applied Sciences where I held a variety of positions: Lecturer in MFL Pedagogy, Teacher/Researcher e-learning and ICT & CALL-coordinator.
Interested in technology-driven innovation in MFL education I got involved in the acquisition, coordination and evaluation of national and EU-projects in the fields of modern languages, teacher education and e-learning.
As part of the first national project to promote the adoption of educational technology by redesigning teacher education (Educational Partnership, EPS), I had the pleasure of coordinating the professional development programme on ICT in education for language teacher educators in Dutch Higher Education.
Later, during the EU Comenius Programme, I got registered as an expert for the European Commission’s subsequent programmes and since the start of the ErasmusPlus programme, for the Dutch National Agency.
Having initiated and coordinated the LanguageQuest project I was also listed as European Centre of Modern Languages expert.
Additionally, together with a group of international academic and practitioner experts we run TELLConsult’s training- and consultancy service on Technology Enhanced Lifelong & Language Learning. This allows us to further promote the use of the results of the EU projects we were involved in.
For more info on consultancy, project development & participation, external project evaluation, presentations and training for Erasmus+ collaboration project and (ErasmusPlus) professional development courses, contact us through our contact form on this site or Contact us by email.
You can also follow me on Twitter, connect with TELLConsult on Facebook or join my personal LinkedIn network.
Koenraad.info Koenraad.info/Publications Koenraad.info/Blog Archive EUROCALL.NL TELLConsult.eu/projects