DEIMP project partner INHOLLAND University of Applied Sciences hosted this year’s first meeting for the participants of the Dutch branch of the project’s schoolnetwork. Chaired by local coordinator Jeroen Bottema the school representatives discussed a range of topics including the processes and interim results of the second edition of the DEIMP online course and how practitioners interested in developing a (multimedia) case study based on one of the lessson scenarios they designed could be supported by the inHolland partner/coaches.

Also observations and experiences of a number of OCTANT school teachers related to their recent job shadowing event in the UK were shared.

Finally a sneak preview was given of the Learning Teaching and Training Event (LTTE) in Cyprus (30 March to 4 April, 2020).
The draft five-day program was discussed offering a variety of activities ranging from a ludic meet & greet starter, input sessions elobarating on theoretical underpinings of the promoted design principles and practical workshops on the didactic use of innovative mobile technology. Furthermore a TeachMeet type of App-fest (sharing practices & useful apps) and intensive collaborative work in an international team on a design challenge including location-based activities.
For more details, past events and further developments in the DEIMP project see the latest issue of its Newsletter here