TandemMOOC: Interesting (and free!) opportunity for English and Spanish learners to practice their oral skills

Passing on this announcement from Christine Appel on the start of a new edition of tandemMOOC! The tandemMOOC Project, aims to bring together learners of English and Spanish in order to practice their oral skills. This is a free course that takes place over a period of six weeks, starting on the 26th of October Read more about TandemMOOC: Interesting (and free!) opportunity for English and Spanish learners to practice their oral skills[…]

EU Project ‘CATAPULT’ to launch MOOC and Community of Practice platform for LSP teachers

The latest developments in the EU Project ‘CATAPULT’ – Computer-Assisted Training And Platforms to Upskill Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) Teachers include the revision of its online course (MOOC) and the realisation of the beta version of the project’s Teachers’ Community of Practice (CoP) ‘LinguaCoP’. We can therefore proudly announce the start of the second Read more about EU Project ‘CATAPULT’ to launch MOOC and Community of Practice platform for LSP teachers[…]

CATAPULT project to launch MOOC for upskilling LSP teachers

Thanks to a great many professionals who responded to our 2018 call to participate in the survey of the “CATAPULT” project (more details about the project below) the project teams has been able to map the needs of (language) teachers with regard to the professional training of LSP teachers in Europe. This has enabled us Read more about CATAPULT project to launch MOOC for upskilling LSP teachers[…]

EU project DEIMP partners invited to contribute to EU project ITELab

As associate partner of the EU ITELAB project we are most pleased that, as suggested, the initiators Prof. Kevin Burden (Univ of Hull ) and Assoc. Prof. Matthew Kearney (Univ of Technology, Sydney) of the EU project ‘Developing and Evaluating Innovative Mobile Pedagogies’ (#DEIMP) were invited to join the panel at the ITE Forum online Read more about EU project DEIMP partners invited to contribute to EU project ITELab[…]

Calling all LSP teachers & trainers

Calling all LSP teachers and trainers (Version in Dutch below) Dear colleague, We would like to ask for your contribution to a survey about Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP), as part of a European project called CATAPULT . We seek to identify potential needs in the professional training of teachers of LSP & discipline specific communication Read more about Calling all LSP teachers & trainers[…]